Dave Raine Studio

Napping Rooms to VR Gaming Nooks

Do you have one of those rooms that no one uses other than a few spiders? It might be nice to live in a house with a library, a formal room, and a tea room. These rooms are not very practical less livable in the 20th century. They might look pretty but often get just about as much use as a Polaroid camera would these days. It's might be time to take that bonus space in your home and turn it into usable living space.

Work, Hobbies & Passion

Turning a unused space into a room you would use daily is as simple as focusing design around your lifestyle. Offices are fairly common spaces in modern homes, it was a start in the right direction in creating usable spaces in homes but for most families they are used as often as the books on the shelves. Rooms designed around your passion bring back to life dark lonely spaces in your home. Technology is a driving force in levering the most out of any space in your home. From entertainment to automation. Turn a ordinary room into a fun zone with large built in monitors, VR equipment, games, and more.

Modern Usable spaces:
  • Home Theater
  • Game Room
  • Office
  • Art, Hobby room
  • Music room
  • Kids only play room
  • Mudroom
  • Reading room
  • Technology free zone
  • Guest room
  • Wine room
  • Garden room
  • Napping room

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342 E. Barham Drive
Suite D
San Marcos, CA 92078
(760) 580-4271